Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Decision Making

After finishing my first exam, Prof said next class was most important lecture,so everyone must attend the class. I looked at the sylubus, and it was decision making chapter. when I attended the class,it was completely surprised, first of all about my poor score, and secondly our own decision making forward to second exam guild line.I never had this experience in the class. It was new and scarely tasks coz I'm quiet person in the class, also my native tounge was not english. I was afraid to speak up my opinions. Anyway, our mission was started, and guess was sorta disaster. First of all everybody had opinions about their demands. Even though we had a leader, she was having a difficult time to control classmates. We wasted time mixed up guide line about exam questions and grade suggestions. I wish a leader or someone else indicated this seperation between exam questions and grade suggestions. It would save some time to finish our experimental jobs.

Next class, Prof talked about our desicion making activity. He suggested five models about "Conflicts". First one is [Compete to win]. It is assertiveness to get one’s own way. For example,some of students were very unpleasant when their suggestion didn't go through 100% agreement. They blamed some of classmates who against it. In addition, one of student kinda force people to raise hands for pass their suggestion like "shouting everybody raise hands. raise hand!!!!".

Second one is [Avoidance Withdrawal]. It used when there’s no chance of winning. This case is sorta beling to myself in class. when my suggestions didn't pass, I thought this wouldn't work at all. 100% agreement was impossible,and then I became a wachter or observer even though I participated in partly.

Next two models are [Compromise]& [Collaboratiing].I'm still comfused the difference between two subjects. I thought it was similar activities.Compromising used with decision making under pressure; all members are equal as prof lecture, and Collaborating reguries bargaining and negotiation among group. In my opinion, both activities tried to help among classmates come up with decision which make everyone happy and satisfied. If you have better examples,feel free to comments.

Last one is [Accommodation]. This is seeing issue as more important to others than self. Like sacrifising indivisiuals for people or group. In test result someone got 100 out of 100. He or She wasn't happy about this activies. What if I was the person who got highest score, I would agree or not class a desicion making? Generally, highest score won't hurt anything because it still reminds as highest score itself.

Briefly,one thing i really didn't like about this activities. when people talked about their opinions, some people still were speaking to friends or themselves. and then someone made a big noise like " Yeap". That was very unpleasant to way people to be quiet.

1 comment:

  1. There is no better place to live in US if your native language is not English then New York. When I first came here 3 years ago I was extremely ashamed of my accent and preferred to get lost on the trains and buses but never asked people for the directions. You have to speak up :). Just look around - English is the second language for at least a third of the class. But in regards to the class activity, I think we would have failed if there were no quiet people and everyone took his time to release his brilliant idea. So at some degree it was a good balance in the class.
